Monday, November 18, 2013


Well; this interview was one of the better snapshots into the Community Policing movement and specifically, Doctor Mireles and his fellow co-leaders.

Here are some important takeaways from my perspective.

1.  I wonder what Dr Mireles' Grandfather's history was? Notice his statement about him. We all know the impact a family members actions can have on a young adult.. .Just look at the impact Hugo Chavez's Grandmother had on him and his vision of the "Movement".

2. It appears the discussions of forming this group was two years in the making. That is a great deal of time and probably allowed them to work out initial issues prior to moving forward. It was not a knee-jerk reaction.

3.  How fascinating that during this 2yr development period a couple of Lime farmers from a small county in Mexico were paying attention to what was taking place in the Middle East!  The power of social media and a world that is more and more interwoven cannot be overlooked.

4.  The reoccurring theme of children as the centerpiece of why they had to take action.. What mental picture is more powerful than a small 14 yr old girl leaving Church in  a poor, hard working town being grabbed by a group of known criminals... criminals the local ether ignore or work with?  The Arab Spring social unrest fuel was ignited by a poor vender setting himself on fire in Tunisia... an event that was probably witnessed in this same part of Mexico.

5.  The formation of a citizens council? A direct result of over 2yrs of planning. Notice the comments about the council members being chosen  by the people of the town?  What we see here is the formation of a defacto government and apparently no action by the local / state government to discredit or disrupt the process...  A local government so inept or so powerless, that this defacto process just simply takes place.

6.  The theme of poor lime farmers not even being able to make a living and having to decide between paying the toll on their crops are not being allowed to sell their goods at all.  So at what point do local / state / federal taxes not get paid and to a level the federal government is forced to do something about it?  What happens if the percentage of those who won't pay taxes gets to the point the federal government feels the pain?

7.  Interesting the point is made they are not an organization based on "revenge"!  It's a vital separation that one must make if one is to challenge the perception of "vigilantism".

8. Notice how they spell out the jobs that make up the people in the group?  Common, everyday people.. the theme is imbedded in almost every statement they give.

9.  " Cleaning up at every level".. Dr Mireles' words should not go unnoticed..  that will not play well  inside of Mexico City

10.  Again, the theme of the local media not covering the "Real story".  This time it's not just the accusation of the government suppressing the media, but the media actually being corrupt!  I'm not sure I've seen that before.

11.  It should not go unnoticed the issue of DTO roadblocks being set up right next to Mexican Military locations has once again come into the story.  If you are not from Mexico or you simply don't understand how SEDENA conducts it's business day to day, then this accusation has a great deal of weight on the perception campaign.

12.  Interesting the Doctor says there are absolutely no ex military members in the organization!   Again, the image that must be driven home is the unorganized, untrained commoner is the core of this movement. It may happen in the future, but for now, I would be willing to bet they will not accept ex military members anytime soon. I would be willing to bet if the movement grows, this will take place at some point in time.

13.  When they claim they are calling for the suspension of State powers, I wonder what end-state they have in mind?  Is it just an emotional plea to the federal government with the goal of forcing the federal government into action? I can just imagine how this request must be received in Mexico City.

14.  I think it's safe to assume the SEDNA regional leaders have had numerous conversations with the Doctor and other group leaders, but notice the negative emphasis placed on the statement? The general asked for 72 hrs and he got it and it didn't work!

15.  Ok, here is an important topic.  Notice the comment by the Doctor on the "support" from "international Public Opinion". We have to wonder what he is referring to.  How is he judging that topic?  Feedback on FB pages?  Emails?  What is he hearing that is so supportive and where from? This issue can go in several directions!

16.  the topic of funding had an interesting response. Notice how they acknowledge the question of " who funds you" has come up several times in the past.  The explanation is well thought out and actually brilliant.  The concept of self-funding based upon no longer paying the toll to the DTOs plays right into the strategic theme of, "we are sick of it and we are not going to stand for it anymore"!  At what point does the message become, "Stop paying a government that does not support it's people"?

17.  I found it interesting the media group that did this interview had a closing segment called, " call to arms".  If you had people reading for the first time about what is taking place in this region of Mexico,  you would want to insure you ended your message with instructions!

18.  Finally;  The media group uses the most economically freighting language Mexico's trading partners / investors / never want to hear.... " failed state"!  "the failed state was no longer a myth; the loss of political,social,economic and judicial control became undeniable"! So, the media group does their documentary for the purpose of coming to a conclusion and then showing its audience that conclusion.

If I was the President of Mexico, I would have the best PSD team in the nation keeping the good Doctor safe and if I was the PRD party, I would do everything possible to get the Community Policing movement into the PRD Camp!

Oh by the way; the Fox story that refers to this movement as Vigilante shows they really don't understand what could possibly be the prevailing "perception" of these events in the " Latino" community of the US!

 If you are trying to save 14 year old girls from being kidnapped and being sexually abused and the only ones willing to do so are Lime Farmers... that is definition of a "Vigilante Group"????


Now, I know it's easy to draw lines of similarity when it comes to events in Mexico, but given the current climate of the Community Police issues, it's probably important to watch for events that can create the perception of commonality.

Creating this commonality between regions in Mexico that historically have been hotbeds for unrest is a process that seems to be taking place here.

Common themes between what is taking place in Chihuahua and Michoacan are easily identifiable; the lack of support by the "government".
( Perception)

Not a new accusation as we all know, but significant in the fact that the social media pipelines continue to give events like the ones listed in the attached link coverage.

I would submit you take notice to the emotionally charged stories interwoven into these reports.

Children being murdered.. .people being so desperate they jump off cliffs in mass; these are the attempts to spark emotional actions  if not actually  accurate reporting.

"Exploitation" is a key word in the world of social unrest.

The next clip is about doctor Mireles and his followers being caught in an Ambush in Pareo. 

Notice more and more of the You Tube clips are set with English sub titles?

Notice the cameraman stays with him and was most likely traveling with him.

It also appears the Doctor is armed; one of the few times we've seen that, but that also might be the weapon of the person holding the camera.

Again the issue of the government not engaging the DTO members along with the issue of them disarming the Community Police.

What is even more interesting to a cop like me is the statement they gave them their weapons back!

It also appears he still likes to travel in black Pickup trucks.

It still appears as if he doesn't travel with a " in close" PSD/ Personal Security Detail / given the truck that pulls up to his location after the ambush is underway.

This final link is probably one of the most strategically important ones I've reviewed as it attempts to give historical, in their own words, background as to why and how these groups have come into being.

A few interesting notes to look for as you read it.

The comments about international public opinion and how important that is to the Doctor.

The reoccurring theme of violated children and corrupt leadership.

I'm finishing a more detailed account of this article and will post soon.

Here is yet again the bottom line:

This movement is not business as usual in Mexico.

Doctor Mireles stature is growing by the day.

Notice this article was put together by an actual media outlet and notice his comments about "local media"!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Ok, the "what if" game.. round two for Mexico.

What if:

What if you were a honest federal / state / local Police Officer and yes they do exist.

You wake up in the morning or the afternoon, depending on your shift, and from that moment on, you begin to worry about making it home alive at the end of your day.

Now, that is not new news to anyone who has ever put on a badge and strapped a gun to his or her hip, but in most parts of Mexico, the concept is overwhelming!

What if:

What if you show up to work, roll call, and you know all too well who in the room is corrupt.. peers, Sergeants, Lieutenants  Captains .. Detectives ..ect... ect.. all the way up to the Chief!

Oh ya, and you know the Chief, who is on the take, works for a political leader who is also corrupt.

As you try to do your level best to survive that shift, hoping you are not approached by a DTO member or worse, a coworker, on why you won't "go with the flow" or how dangerous it is for you and your family not to give in, you must serve   a public who is convinced you already have!

What if:

At the end of your shift, you return home only to have your wife or husband or some other family member tell you yet another story of being followed or someone stopping in front of the house or so on and so on!

What if:

What if you decide to "tell someone"?

Who do you tell?

Who do you trust?

You see, you are just like the others you must serve, the public... you don't trust anyone you don't know!

So, in the end, you say and do nothing, as those who work with you and around you spend the extra cash they make from the DTOs on their families; families you know that are not only better off than yours, but safer than yours..... and why?

Because you still have what is left of your honor and integrity.

Now, here is the biggest, "what if"!

What if, at some point you and those left like you simply give up or worse yet, give in?

Who really keeps the order in a society?

The political leaders?

The Military?

Who becomes the last of the Keepers of the Gate?

What happens when public perception truly becomes reality?

Do economic indicators save the day?

Do stocks and privet investors come to the town or cities rescue?

Does a great speech from a professional haircut teletype reader save the day?

Let me make this simple for you.

The keepers of the gate, the glue that binds day to day life is based upon the "trust" between citizens and leadership!

And when those citizens no longer believe these leaders maintain their honesty, then these same citizens must entrust their  justice system to bring normality back to the forefront.

If this cannot happen or the perception is, this will not happen, then all the investments and the new construction in the world will not allow people to sleep at night.

Yes, the keepers of the gate are also the last line of "hope"!

If that hope is dying in Mexico, then everyone else needs to be ready for what will happen next!

One man's misery is another man's opportunity!

Who will fill the void? 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Ok, last night I stated I would cover a few examples of just how different life is in Mexico and why it's important not to overlook or underestimate what is taking place there.

When I post on my Middle East site, from time to time I play a game called, "what if".

So, for the sake of trying to get my point across, lets play the Mexico version tonight.

What if:

What if you were driving down the road in lets say.... Houston Texas and came suddenly pulled up to a stop sign next to a "Improvised Armored Fighting Vehicle"?

After you returned home, you turned on the TV and for the tenth time that month, the news lead off with a story of yet another municipal police department being completely removed from their jobs by the United States Army and or the United States Marine Corp?

What if:

What if you decided to take you wife and kids to a nice dinner at one of the most popular restaurant in your town or neighborhood and as you pulled into the parking lot, twenty armed thugs with automatic weapons jumped out of five or six pickup trucks and right in front of you family's eyes fired 150 to 300 rounds at someone seated a  table?

What if:

As you stood there watching the whole episode unfold, after lets say an hour or so, no law enforcement crime scene was set up and not a single member of the media made the crime scene?

When you got home worn out from the trauma now referred to as your daily life, the news lead off with a story of a dozen local officials, including the Mayor and his Sons being arrested for embezzlement / public corruption?

What if:

What if , after a day such as the one mentioned above, you walk into your small business where you almost make a living being self-employed only to have someone walk in and tell you that you are late with this months shake down payments?

Ok, you get the picture, but trust me if you think this is an overblown, hyped up example, well then you simply listen to your travel agent too much about all the great deals in Mexico right now!

Life in Mexico is nothing like life in the US and please don't answer that comment with, "not all of Mexico is like that"!!

If that is your answer, you are free to stop reading my post!

Oh ya, if you truly believe that statement, go ask someone who has lived in Monterey for more than five years.

Three years ago, the rumbles of violence in Mexico could never possibly reach the gates of the business utopia  called Monterey Mexico.

 Now, these Improvised Armored Fighting Vehicles are seen on the outskirts of Monterey just as much as anywhere in Mexico.

 Tomorrow, I'll go over what it's like to be a law enforcement Officer in Mexico; that is an honest Officer... the few that are left!!!

PS.. This picture doesn't get any better tomorrow!

Monday, November 11, 2013


Many movements are born out of necessity and  on a rare occasion they are ignited  / inspired by clueless political leadership.

Such was the case of " I am 132".

Was there and is there social injustice in Mexico?

Dumb question.

Did the students who became " I am 132" wish for a Mexican version of the Arab Spring?


Where they looking for the social spark that could ignite their movement?


Did a paranoid, uninformed Candidate Nieto give them exactly what they and those would love to leverage the event the spark they needed.

Well, the history on that topic is already written!

Now, true President Nieto has a history with confrontations in the State of Mexico and the results were deadly, but sometimes some people just don't learn from past mistakes.

As of today, the I am 132 movement is not as vocal as it was back in 2012,  but you can rest assured the concept lives on, especially on the campuses in  Mexico City.

Is this group by itself worthy of the Mexican government's constant attention?

Apparently so!

So, why is that?

Can one huge mistake by political leadership possibly lead to yet another cascading miscalculation?

I would bank on it.

As I said last week, the common people who make up the Community Police phenomenon need nothing more than a moral ally... an ally that lives in the heart of the largest city in Mexico.

Can you think of any location where the concept of social injustice and Revolution more appealing than on a College Campus?

Did you pay attention to the site I referred to at the end of my last post?

In Police work..... they call this " A Clue"!!!!

Here is my point.

Are the right ingredients present to bring Mexico closer to the edge of social instability; remembering my theory of regionalized, temporary loss of continuity of Governance!

"Crime is down".. or so says the President of Mexico!!

"Things are getting better", or so says the Mexican government!

Yes, in my humble opinion, Mexico is far closer to real problems..... problems far beyond the DTO conflicts.

My first few post on this site have been nothing more than a simple attempt to paint a picture of where Mexico could head and what indicators we should all be watching.

Over the next few days, I will try to shape examples of day to day life in Mexico and see if anyone in the US can realy relate to what is taking place.

I think you will find the contrasting stories I'll review both amazing and hopefully eye-opening.

Lets hope so..

Thursday, November 7, 2013


Lets start tonight with the most important question in Mexico right now!

Who is worried, really worried about the emergence of these Community Police Groups; the name I've decided to stick with by the way!

My opinion; the current leadership in Mexico that's who!

As I have said time and time again, the fear is growing day by day of not only what these groups might lead to, but whom they may lead to Mexico.

The good Doctor, my nickname for him, has written to the United Nations Human Rights Council requesting "assistance" with the events in Mexico.

Does anyone think for a minute that is welcomed news in Mexico City?

More importantly, does anyone outside of Mexico understand where these groups may be leading our neighbor to the South... our most important neighbor, whether we believe it or not.

Lets face the facts and let's hope the current, and I stress current, Mexican government faces the facts as well..... Mexico's future depends on their ability to resolve the issues leading to these groups... .Groups that are growing by the day!

As the rest of us watch or ignore what is taking place, you can assure yourself the enemies of the West and more specifically the US are not underestimating the opportunity and desire to leverage what is taking place in Mexico.

Ok, back to the issue of who makes up these groups.

Let me start by listing who they are not.

They are not DTO members disguised as Auto Defense Groups for the sake of securing their drug routes... something the Mexican government was foolish enough to attempt to float past the Mexican people.

They are not, at least not yet, Zapatista Revolutionary types... again.. at least not yet!!!

The are not organized crime families trying to make a quick buck off  a community that is without governance.

Having said this, are there violent members who are capable of  conducting violent acts?

Yes.. and how could we possibly believe there wouldn't be?

Now, lets talk once again about not who they are, but what they stand for.

Again, in my opinion, they are the segment of Mexican society that has been pushed too far!

They are the percentage of the common people who no longer believe the local government is willing or able to govern!

Yes, they still believe, to some degree, in the federal government, but that belief is decaying quickly and one violent act like the assassination of the Good Doctor and all bets will be off!

Look... Watch the 19 min clip I've attached a link to and you tell me who you see in the background.

You tell me the social status of the people yelling at the captured DTO Thug in the town square.

And while we are on the topic of this important clip, let me bring up yet another interesting set of questions.

1.  How is it the Community Police are disarmed before they are allowed to go into town and yet in the town were DTO Snipers waiting on them to show up?

2.  How do you convince the members of the Community Police they were not set up by the Federal Police and SEDENA?  Perception.. is reality in the 21st Century wrapped in Social Media.

3.  How is it the Federal Police let the DTO Thug be turned over to the mob that wanted his  head on a stick?

4.  Is that how the Federal Police in Mexico operate .. Letting Mobs take control of suspects?   

The old saying is, " a picture is worth a thousand words"!

Well this video clip is more than a picture... it's a snap shot of what is taking place in Mexico and someone better figure out an answer quickly.

I know... the standard, Western Economic answer is going to be, "well... that's just a few disgruntled dirt farmers in Northern Mexico.... no real issue here".

Those are the attitudes of those responsible whenever a situation goes from dangerous to disastrous.

 Oh by the way...

Do the Community Police have sympathizers outside the local townships?

I'll give you one more link to look at and take a close look who posted the information.

After you do that, I think you will have the answer to my question.

Here is the link.. Read the "source".

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Armed Self Defense Groups.... Auto Defense Groups... Community Police Units.

Pick a title if you like, but the reason why these "groups" have come into existence in Mexico is undeniable.

Regardless of the social economic status of a society, if a percentage of that society feels they are not protected by the very government that exist to serve them, then what recourse does that segment have?

It sounds simplistic and it is!

Three years ago, I was engaged in a rather lengthy debate over the theory of Mexico becoming a "Failed Nation State".

It was then that I began my argument that Mexico's status cannot be judged by purely economic indicators.

As I realized I was getting absolutely nowhere with the individuals wrapped into my discussion group, I place an alternative concept in front of them.

Is it possible for a nation to suffer from regionalized, temporary collapse of Continuity of Government?

Could a section of a nation fall into lawlessness and yet the nation survives with an overall passing grade by the "experts"?

Luckily for me and my side of this argument, we were still involved in two classic examples; Iraq and Afghanistan!

Well, to make a painfully long story short, I won that round of the debate and we set out on a path that has lead to my detailed and recognized hardened viewpoint of where Mexico now stands.

Yes, Mexico has a history of armed rebellion and we all know the current form of government was founded on a "revolution".. a revolution I would submit to you failed soon after the new "Revolutionary Government" was formed!

So, what is the difference this time around?

Why should it be a note worthy event to see these groups popping up in Mexico?

Is it really going to make a difference?

The short answer is....yes... it is different this time around and we better realize that quickly!

Over the course of the next few days, I will go into greater detail as to why these groups and their actions are vital to those who depend on Mexico remaining economically stable.

I will discuss who makes up these groups.

Who is trying to damage them and why? Hint... More than just the DTOs are involved.


If you have not caught the "clue" yet, this concept of Self Defense organizations growing in Mexico is easily the most dangerous sign coming out of that country.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


If you have followed the past few years of my postings on the Middle East, then you will understand my desire to keep topics simplistic and to the point.

I'm not out to write a book on Mexico.

I have no intention of becoming yet another paid "talking head"!

Mexico is a concern for two basic reasons.

1. I am a firm believer that the Hispanic, nuclear family culture is more than conducive to the long term survival of the United States.  A demographic that has a culture of hard work that is nearly second to none!

2.  The fate of Mexico, like it or not, rest in the hands of the American people.
Those who wish to only abuse the common working people of Mexico will force those same people into the arms of our enemies possibly leading to confrontational environment between the US and Mexico.   If you don't believe this is possible, then you need only look at Mexico during the 2nd World War.

Having stated why I believe what I believe, let me get down to the details of what is taking place in Mexico and where it could all be heading.

As I have done with events in the Middle East, I will concentrate my comments on daily or nearly daily events in Mexico and how they relate to the overall "trends" taking place there.

Ok, let's get down to it.

What is the most dangerous event currently taking place in Mexico?

 Is it the attempted breakup / reorganization of the Pemex or the Teacher's Union?

Is it the business model of chasing the never-ending drug trade?

Is it the Mexican government's perceived inability to perform true governance for the nation? (Perception is nearly reality)!

Is it the threat of the US's enemies leveraging Mexico to the point of being a complete distraction for  the US's dwindling attention and resources?

Yep, you guessed it... it's all of the above!

As I commented in my opening post on Mexico, one of the most disastrous actions those who trade with Mexico can possibly make is to judge Mexico's "health" by pure economic indicators.

Having made that statement, I realize I better be ready to give an opinion of what should be considered optional indicators.

Now, I've seen countless indicator charts, power point slides, briefings ect ....ect... on what leadership should be "concerned about" and honestly, by the time I've finished digesting all the data, I'm not sure what I am lead to believe.

Drowning in "data"; its an all too common condition of predictive analysis.

So, where do I draw my opinions from?

When the Mexican media in no longer able or willing to cover the true events in Mexico, there is only one other place to go.

You guessed it!!! Social Media.

Is that a reliable "Source" of information?

Well, it depends on who you ask.

Ask a member of " I am 132" in Mexico City and see what answer you get.

So what part of social media interest me?


Stories and postings on sites are of value, but the comments sections provide me with an acceptable level of awareness; my opinion!

Are they logical and accurate?

Often the answer is no, but that's not always what I'm looking for.

If I read thirty comments on one posting of an event, I can guarantee you I will have a better understanding of what impact that particular event could be having on that region of Mexico.

Remember; trends.... trends are the key in a modern day Social networking world!

I could go on and on, but the bottom line is this.

The regional "pulse" of critical areas in Mexico is far more important than Department of Commerce "indicators".

Finally; On my next post, I will get down to the real detailed work.

What is taking place in Mexico and where?

What is the possible impact to the US?

Here is my hint.... I don't follow DTOs and their actions. 

They are nothing more than a symptom of what is going wrong in Mexico.

Follow the "good people" and what they are willing to do to change the hell they are living in.

That is where the important events are taking place.

Sunday, November 3, 2013


Well, it may be a few dates late, or a few years, but I've finally started a journey I've wanted to travel for several years now.

Why I've paid such detailed to the events of Mexico is not important.

What you should know is the simple fact that I have, I do and I will continue to do so.

Without going into great detail, I will be the first one to admit my "opinions" on the status and future of Mexico are far different than the conventional "group think".

Who makes up my opinion of "group think" is also not important and thus I will not discuss who or what group I disagree with.

My opinions on Mexico are based upon strategic, big picture trends supported by localized events that are far too often completely unnoticed or worse ignored north of the Rio River!

So, enough with my disclaimer or justification statements and let me get down to what is truly important.

What is it that I believe about Mexico and why is it important enough to place my thoughts on paper?

Simply put, Mexico and the events in Mexico constitute the most important challenge to the overall social health of the Americas and the clock is running.

Secondly; the enemies of the US and even its rivals understand all too well the value of disruption on the doorstep!

Finally, as I end this initial step towards a very important journey, let me state why I think the "group think" gang has it all wrong!

Without naming agnecies are the politics behind agencies, let me simply state it is impossible to "judge / predict" the overall health, status of a nation by simply looking at economic indicators!

GDP..... Production... exports / imports ..ect...ect.... these are all key issue to those who are convinced these key trends shape the social health of nation.

In the 21st century, a century that is being shaped by Social Media at speeds expanding so quickly that  governance cannot begin to comprehend  what is taking place much less  shape it's impact, the value of economic indicators is nothing more than " old think"!

Assessing Mexico is not an issue of economics.
The assessment of Mexico is a complicated mixture of truth, perception and exploitation!

The inability to understand Mexico is far more dangerous than just about anyone comprehends.

The days of the moronic viewpoint of, "oh well.. That's just Mexico...It's always been that way"  are over and if they are not.... then the troubles we will see are far more complex than anything we are dealing with in the Middle East or some far away place called the Pacific!